Recycling Locations

Recycling / Waste Management

Although the Government now requires all municipalities to develop recycling strategies, there is not yet a central recycling depot in San Isidro. However, there is thriving voluntary and private sector which means you can now recycle nearly everything that does not need to go to landfill. 

Many community schools are now actively promoting recycling, including working with Don Pinos to recycle Tetrapaks (waxed containers for liquids) which are pulped and made into new school desktops and chair seats. Do check out initiatives which you might be able to support in your own community.

For standard household recycling such as cardboard, plastics, glass and aluminum cans, the two most convenient points are ~
Kiosk on Dominical road – go from the highway along Cemetery Road at the top of town to join the Dominical Road; immediately after the junction on your right, opposite Hotel Angelus, there is a small hut with a tin roof and hatch door at the front
Centro de Reciclaje on the road to Pedregosito – at junction after the school and soccer field in Pedregosa, turn right, proceed approx. 2k, centre is on the right just before the Colegio Ambelista

For all waste, including metal, electronics, car batteries, used oil, glass, plastics, paint tins etc. there are two centres south of Palmares on the highway, both of which will buy materials (particularly metals) of value ~
Recicle Planet sa Tel: 8896 4314
Heading south on Interamerican, take right exit between Mercado de Muebles and Garcia’s Pizzas, opposite Camara de Caneros – centre a few hundred yards on the right with a large green sign ‘Jesucristo Nuestro Senor’

Centro de Acopio el General
A little further south after Florida distribution centre, take right exit between office block of INDER (Instituto de Desarrollos rural) and a car showroom; proceed few hundred metres, centro is on the left with large gated entrance

Sheelagh Richards
August 2018