News and Information


AM Costa Rica: an online English language news source; sign up to receive daily news digest

San Jose –

Association of Residents in Costa Rica: a Canadian run membership organization serving potential and existing foreign residents with advice on relocating, retiring, living and traveling in Costa Rica. Provide a professional (fee bearing) service for managing the immigration process, regular magazine and range of member discounts.

Costa Rica Law: provides information on a wide range of legal topics

Chayotevine: a private email list to share announcements, properties/goods for sale and happenings in the Southern Zone. (Provided by Ilena Ross, a local community member)

Inside Costa Rica: English language news source; sign up and receive regular email postings on major news events

PerezZeledon.Net: a local Tico web development business providing a news service for the PZ community: lots of business advertising but most useful for upcoming events, local political and municipal news

Tico Times: formerly an American owned weekly English language newspaper; print edition ended in September 2012, now limited to online edition